Isolating a Monitoring Database From A Shared Server and Data Node

Isolate a monitor database that has been installed to a development or test environment where the data tier and Unwired Server is installed on a shared host.

Leaving the monitoring database on the same host as the Unwired Server and the other data tier database can sometimes impact test environment performance.

  1. Stop Unwired Server.
  2. On the host that had shared the data tier and Unwired Server, run this command to remove the CDB service:
    asadbservice.bat remove
  3. On the Unwired Server node, modify to and set this property:
  4. On the Unwired Server node, use this command to configure the new cluster database host:
    updateProps.bat -x 
    configure-mms.bat  <cluster_name> default <host> 5200 dba sql <host>_primary clusterdb-<host>