Removing RSOE and Migrating Configuration Files With Scripts

When upgrading to this version of Unwired Platform, you must remove existing RSOE services and migrate configuration files to XML. If you did not use the installer to perform this upgrade, you must manually upgrade the RSOE and configuration files.

Ensure the file exists and that it contains the correct relay server/relay server outbound enabler configuration information used to configure Unwired Server 1.5.5 relay server outbound enablers. Do not modify the relay server environment while this script is running (that is, do not add/remove a relay server or outbound enabler).
Upgrading RSOE requires that you manually remove the RSOE service and replace it with a server process that you must then start. Migrating configuration files safely extracts values from the file and inserts them into cluster database. Sybase recommends that you perform upgrade and migration with the product installer. However, we provide these steps in case some manual action is needed.
  1. Remove the existing RSOE service by running this command:
    sc delete <ServiceName>
  2. Ensure the cluster and consolidated databases are running.
  3. On each server node with one or more RSOE, run this command:
    <UnwiredPlatform_InstallDir>\Servers\UnwiredServer\bin\regrelayserver.bat migrate
    <UnwiredPlatform_InstallDir>\Servers\UnwiredServer\bin\regrelayserver.bat -migrate
  4. Repeat these steps on each server node to upgrade all RSOEs and migrate all configuration files.
  5. Upon a successful upgrade, restart RSOEs in Sybase Control Center or restart the host computer on which the RSOEs have been installed.
    For details about starting RSOEs from Sybase Control Center, see Starting and Stopping RSOE in the Sybase Control Center online help.
Related tasks
Updating Relay Server Binaries for IIS on Windows
Updating Relay Server for Apache on Linux