A relay server manages connections to Unwired Servers from the DMZ in which the relay server is installed. When a relay server manages multiple Unwired Server farms, it forms a relay server cluster.
A relay server cluster consists of:
- One or more relay servers running in the corporate DMZ.
- (Optional) A load balancer to direct requests from the mobile devices to a group of relay servers. Multiple relay servers can manage a single farm, however Sybase recommends a load balancer in order to better distribute load among multiple relay servers. A load balancer is not included with Unwired Platform.
Back-end Unwired Servers running in a corporate LAN. Use a relay server with an Afaria farm that you have also installed either with an earlier version of Unwired Platform or as a standalone version of Afaria that you installed separately.
Servers that belong to the same cluster are considered to be in the same relay server farm. A client that makes a request through the relay server must specify the server farm using an ID assigned by the platform administrator.
- One or more relay server outbound enabler (RSOE) per back-end server node. Sybase recommends three RSOEs per synchronization type, per Unwired Server.
The RSOE manages all communication between a server and the relay server farm.
Its primary function is to initiate an outbound connection to all relay servers in the farm on behalf of the server.
- Certificates, to encrypt communications for increased security. See Encrypting Relay Server Communications.
When all these components are deployed (installed, configured, and started as required), the relay server cluster setup is complete. Over time, you can scale the cluster as required by adding or removing one or more of these components.