The simple 3-node cluster requires minmal hardware investment. Consequently, the simple cluster is an attractive alternative for smaller environments.
A simple cluster includes:
- An Unwired Server cluster on the corporate LAN that typically includes two Unwired Servers: a primary server and a secondary server. Each node is installed on its own host node, and would also include a Unified Agent (for remote management via Sybase Control Center)and a relay server outbound enabler (RSOE) (for relay server connections). In Sybase Control Center, you would therefore have a single entry in the Clusters folder and two entries in the Servers folder.
- The Unwired Platform data tier installed to another host on the corporate LAN. The data tier includes all runtime databases: a conoslidated database, a messaging database, and a cluster database, each having their own purpose in supporting the runtime environment.
- A relay server installed to its own host on the DMZ that directs device client connections to one of the two servers in the Unwired Server cluster.