Configure the Web server to use a certificate authority (CA) certificate that you create or another certificate signed by a CA.
You can use either the server's administration tool or the createcert utility to generate the certificate request.
createcert -r
<UnwiredPlatform_InstallDir>\UnwiredPlatform\Servers\SQLAnywhere11\BIN32>createcert -r SQL Anywhere X.509 Certificate Generator Version Enter RSA key length (512-16384): 1024 Generating key pair... Country Code: US State/Province: CA Locality: Dublin Organization: MyCompany, Inc Organizational Unit: Engineering Common Name: * Enter file path to save request: certreq.txt Enter file path to save private key: myclient_private.crt Enter password to protect private key: sybase
For a development/test environment that uses SHRS (which runs at, use * in Common Name of the certificate. The *.domain-name is commononly used in a farm of HTTP servers that also uses a load balancer.
Use the generated CA certificate file to sign the server certificate, or do so using the root CA certificate, as described in Signing the Server Certificate.