Using the Sybase Relay Server Hosted Service

Subscribe online to the Sybase Relay Server Hosted Service (SRSHS), and configure your environment with information provided during subscription, rather than installing a relay server on your network.

  1. Register Unwired Server with the relay service.
    1. Log in to
    2. From the navigation bar on the left, click Manage Account .
    3. Click Add New MobiLink Farm enter the following property values, then click Create Farm:
      • Farm Name – a farm name. Sybase recommends SUPFarm.
      • Server Name – the configured Unwired Server name. For example, host1SUPServer. You can find the name checking the server properties in Sybase Control Center. Alternatively you can check the value in the file. This file is located in <UnwiredPlatform_InstallDir>\Servers\UnwiredServer\Repository\Instance\com\sybase\sup\server\SUPServer.
    4. Click Add New iAnywhere Mobile Office Farm, enter the following property values, then click Create Farm:
      • Company Name – a company ID used to create the server farm. Sybase recommends SUPMessagingFarm.
      • Server Name – the configured messaging synchronization service name. For example, host1.
    5. Click Configuration Instructions. You need these values to complete configuration values in subsequent steps.
      In a replication-based synchronization environment, the exported values should look similar to:
      -f SUPServer.SUPFarm
      -id host1SUPServer
      -t 91ae78ca50b90b02cef494c869c6
      -cr ";https=1;port=443"
      -cs "host=localhost;port=80"
      Note: The farm ID (-f) and Back-end server ID (-id) are a case-sensitive property values. Therefore, they must exactly match the value defined for the relay server outbound enabler (RSOE) with relayserver.farm_name property (described in later steps). Otherwise, the connection fails.
      The messaging-based synchronization environment values are:
      -f SUPServer.SUPMessagingFarm
      -id host1
      -t 8361c7e7783527e932617c49467f
      -cr ";https=1;port=443"
      -cs "host=localhost;port=80"
  2. Configure the Unwired Server and messaging synchronization service to use an RSOE. The RSOE allows these servers to connect to the hosted relay server.
    1. Use a text editor to open <UnwiredPlatform_InstallDir>\Servers\UnwiredServer\config\, and modify the values in this file to match the values exported in the previous step.
      For example, in a replication-based synchronization environment: = host1SUPServer =
      relayserver.http_port = 80
      relayserver.https_port = 443 
      relayserver.protocol	= http
      relayserver.farm_name	= SUPServer.SUPFarm                
      relayserver.token	= 91ae78ca50b90b02cef494c869c6                          
      Note: You can secure the connection by setting the protocol to HTTPS.
      For the messaging service, you must also modify:
      # Message Server details
      relayserver.msg.farm_name = SUPServer.SUPMessagingFarm   
      relayserver.msg.token	= 8361c7e7783527e932617c49467f 
    2. With Unwired Server running, register the RSOE and configuration changes by running <UnwiredPlatform_InstallDir>\Servers\UnwiredServer\bin\regRelayServer.bat with Unwired Server running.
      Use this syntax:
      regRelayServer.bat install auto
      This file generates:
      • <UnwiredPlatform_InstallDir>\Servers\UnwiredServer\config\rs.config
      • startrsoe.bat stoprsoe.bat in <UnwiredPlatform_InstallDir>\Servers\UnwiredServer\bin\.
      After startrsoe.bat and stoprsoe.bat are generated, the Start Unwired Server desktop shortcuts and menu commands also start and stop the RSOE.
      Note: These various .BAT files are never modified while registering relay server. They have a condition to check if relay server is configured.
    3. Restart Unwired Server so that the RSOE starts. If both the Unwired Server and messaging server successfully connects to Web-hosted relay server, you should see entries in the console window similar to this:
      I. 2009-10-28 13:49:26. <OEMaster> Successfully connected to Back-end server: easd:5001
      I. 2009-10-28 13:49:26. <OEHost> Mac address: 00-13-72-19-6d-97!!00-13-72-19-6d-97!!
      I. 2009-10-28 13:49:27. <UpChannel-0000> Successfully connected to relay server:
      I. 2009-10-28 13:49:27. <UpChannel-0001> Successfully connected to relay server:
      I. 2009-10-28 13:49:27. <DnChannel-0000> Successfully connected to relay server:
      I. 2009-10-28 13:49:27. <DnChannel-0001> Successfully connected to relay server:
  3. For messaging-based application devices, register the device using relay server connection parameters:
    1. In Sybase Control Center, create a registration template using exported values.
      For details, see Sybase Control Center Online Help> Configure > Configuring Unwired Platform > Device Users > Devices.
    2. Set up the device messaging application settings to connect the relay server.
    Configure properties of the same name as follows:
    • User Name – any valid user name that has been registered with the messaging server.
    • Server Name –
    • Server Port – 80
    • Company ID – the messaging server farm ID. For example, SUPServer.SUPMessagingFarm.
    • Activation Code – a matching relay server code.
  4. For replication-based synchronization application devices, the application developer can embed the relay server connection info in the application, or the administrator can provide the setup values to the application user, thereby allowing him or her to configure the device application independently.
Configure the RSOE to run as a Windows service.