Data change notification (DCN) provides an HTTP interface by which enterprise information system (EIS) changes can be immediately propagated to Unwired Server.
Sybase Unwired Platform provides the gson-1.4.jar library you use to construct a DCN URL located in the <UnwiredPlatform_InstallDir>\Servers\UnwiredServer\lib\ext directory. All DCN commands support both GET and POST methods. The EIS developer
creates and sends a DCN to Unwired Server through HTTP GET or POST operations. The portion of the DCN command parameters that come after http://host:8000/dcn/DCNServlet, can all be in POST; any var=name can be in either the URL (GET) or in the POST. The HTTP POST method is more secure than HTTP GET methods; therefore, Sybase recommends that you include the authenticate.password parameter in the POST method, as well as any sensitive data provided for attributes and parameters.
Note: Enter the HTTP request on a single line.
You must be familiar with the EIS data source from which the DCN is issued. You can create and send DCNs that are based on:
- Database triggers
- EIS system events
- External integration processes
You can use DCN with payload to instruct Unwired Server to refresh data:
- DCN with payload – calls only the two direct cache-affecting operations (:upsert or :delete), which always exist for an MBO, and are not related to user-defined MBO operations.
- :upsert – the message must contain name/value pairs for every required attribute, and the name must exactly match the MBO attribute name.
- :delete – provide only the name/value pairs for the primary key column(s).
These operations respectively insert or update, or delete a row in the CDB. Calling either of these operations does not trigger any other refresh action:
- Some event initiates the DCN request (a database trigger for example).
- The Unwired Server cache is updated directly from the EIS. The actual data (payload) is applied to the cache, through either an :upsert (update or insert) or a :delete operation.
- Unwired Server returns a DCN status message to the requester.