Unwired Server Logging (logging-configuration.xml) Configuration File

Defines the server logging configuration. This file is located in <UnwiredPlatform_InstallDir>\UnwiredPlatform\Servers\UnwiredServer\Repository

Note: Manual changes to the server log settings in one node of a cluster affect only the node on which the change is made. To modify cluster-wide server logging, you must individually edit the log file for each node.
Edit the logging-configuration.xml file to change server logging levels by component and define server file settings. The file syntax is:
<Entity EntityTypeId="<Logging Configuration>"
 <Entity EntityTypeId="LocalFileAppender">
   <Prop name="LogLevel" value="<myLogLevel>" />
  <Prop name="filename" value="<myFileName>"
  <Prop name="sizeRollover" value="<mySizeRollover>"
  <Prop name="maximumRolloverFiles" value="<myMaxRolloverFiles>"
  <Prop name="dateRollover" value="<myDateRollover>"
The configurable properties are:
Property Default Description

The default log level varies depending upon the component:

  • Trace – TRACE
  • MMS – INFO
  • MSG – INFO
  • Security – INFO
  • MobiLink – INFO
  • DataServices - INFO
  • Other – WARN
Note: If DOE-C is installed, it also appears as an Unwired Server component.
The log level for each configurable Unwired Platform component. Available log levels include: ALL, TRACE, DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, OFF, or CONSOLE. Trace is an interval component; do not modify it.
filename logs/${sup.host}-server.log The file name to which log data is written. Files are resolved relative to the server home directory.
sizeRollover 10MB The number of bytes of granularity between rollover events. Supports optional KB, MB, and GB suffixes.
maximumRolloverFiles 1 The maximum number of rollover files that is maintained. Specify -1 for no limit.
dateRollover NONE The level of time granularity between rollover events: NONE, HOURLY, DAILY, WEEKLY, MONTHLY, YEARLY.