NTProxy Configuration Properties

Configure these properties to allow the operating system's security mechanisms to validate user credentials using NTProxy (Windows Native OS). Access these properties from the Authentication tab of the Security node in Sybase Control Center.

Authentication properties
Properties Default Value Description
Extract Domain From Username true If set to true, the user name can contain the domain in the form of <username>@<domain>. If set to false, the default domain (described below) is always used, and the supplied user name is sent to through SSPI untouched.
Default Domain The domain for the host computer of the Java Virtual Machine. Specifies the default host name, if not overridden by the a specific user name domain.
Default Authentication Server The authentication server for the host computer of the Java Virtual Machine. The default authentication server from which group memberships are extracted. This can be automatically determined from the local machine environment, but this property to bypass the detection step.
useFirstPass false If set to true, the login module attempts to retrieve only the user name and password from the shared context. It never calls the callback handler.
tryFirstPass false If set to true, the login module first attempts to retrieve the user name and password from the shared context before attempting the callback handler.
clearPass false If set to true, the login module clears the user name and password in the shared context when calling either commit or abort.
storePass false If set to true, the login module stores the user name and password in the shared context after successfully authenticating.
Related concepts
NTProxy Security Provider
Related tasks
Setting Up the NTProxy Provider