Remedy Configuration Properties

Configure the RemedyLoginModule class to provide authentication services. Access Remedy properties from the Authentication tab in the Security node of Sybase Control Center.

Authentication properties
Property Default value Description
Server Name localhost The Remedy AR system server host name.
Server Port


A value of 0 indicates that the default Remedy server port number will be used.

The Remedy AR system server port.
User Locale


An empty value field indicates that the default local system locale will be used.

The Remedy AR system user locale.
Allow Guest false Indicates whether Remedy AR system allows a user as a guest:
  • true – an authenticated user can access Remedy AR.
  • false – an authenticated user receives error messages and cannot access Remedy AR.
Server Remote Procedure Call Port 0 The Remedy server RPC program number.
useFirstPass false If set to true, the login module attempts to retrieve only the user name and password from the shared context. It never calls the callback handler.
tryFirstPass false If set to true, the login module first attempts to retrieve the user name and password from the shared context before attempting the callback handler.
clearPass false If set to true, the login module clears the user name and password in the shared context when calling either commit or abort.
storePass false If set to true, the login module stores the user name and password in the shared context after successfully authenticating.
Related concepts
Remedy Security Provider