Agent Plug-in Properties (agent-plugin.xml) Configuration File

Defines server properties for each Unwired Server to administer from Sybase Control Center. The file is located in <UnwiredPlatform_InstallDir>\SCC-XX\plugins\com.sybase.supadminplugin.

Properties include:
Property Default Description

Personal Developer Edition: false

Other editions: true

Enables or disables the automatic discovery of Unwired Servers when Sybase Control Center starts.
auto.discovery.log.repeat 3 Repeats the logging of errors that are generated when a discovered Unwired Server is pinged. After the specified count is reached, Sybase Unified Agent stops printing error message to the log, but continues to ping the discovered server.
auto.discovery.schedule.enable.on.startup true Enables or disables scheduled Unwired Server discoveries. Scheduled discovery allows the agent to periodically check for newly installed Unwired Servers.
auto.discovery.schedule.interval 300000 Sets the scheduled discovery interval (in milliseconds).
sup.server.path <UnwiredPlatform_InstallDir>\Servers\UnwiredServer Sets the installation for Unwired Server. The path must be fully-qualified.
auto.register.localSUP.enable true If true, automatically registers the server as a managed resouce in Sybase Control Center. After launching and authenticating, registered resources automatically appear in the Unwired Platform console.

If false, you need to manually register the server as managed resource in Sybase Control Center.