Changing the Consolidated Database Server Thread Count and Pool Size

You can change the consolidated database (CDB) server thread count and maximum pool size as required. The procedure for this varies depending on the type of environment the CDB server is deployed to.

Sybase has identified two scenarios.
Related concepts
Server Performance Tuning
Related reference
Update Properties (updateprops.bat) Utility

When data-tier is on remote host in a cluster environment

  1. On the data-tier node, remove the service by running:
    <UnwiredPlatform_InstallDir>\Servers\UnwiredServer\bin\install-sup-sqlany11.bat remove
  2. To change the thread count, edit the <UnwiredPlatform_InstallDir>\Servers\UnwiredServer\bin\install-sup-sqlany11.bat to modify the CDB_THREADCOUNT property.
    Choose an appropriate server threadcount according to your cluster performance requirements.
    For example, this command sets the server thread count to 200:


  3. To change the maximum pool size, edit the <UnwiredPlatform_InstallDir>\Servers\UnwiredServer\Repository\Instance\com\sybase\djc\sql\DataSource\ to modify the maxPoolSize property.
  4. Recreate the service again with the correct thread count by running:
    <UnwiredPlatform_InstallDir>\Servers\UnwiredServer\bin\install-sup-sqlany11.bat install [auto|manual] cdb_servername cdb_serverhost cdb_serverport [shared_data_path service_username service_password]

When data-tier is on the same host as Unwired Server in a personal or evaluation install

  1. On the Unwired server node with data-tier installed, update properties by running:
    <UnwiredPlatform_InstallDir>\Servers\UnwiredServer\bin\updateProps.bat -nv "cdb.threadcount=200"

    Choose an appropriate server threadcount according to your cluster performance requirements.

  2. To change the maximum pool size, edit the <UnwiredPlatform_InstallDir>\Servers\UnwiredServer\Repository\Instance\com\ybase\djc\sql\DataSource\ to modify the maxPoolSize property.
  3. Stop Unwired Server services.
  4. Reconfigure Unwired Platform services by running:
    <UnwiredPlatform_InstallDir>\Servers\UnwiredServer\bin\configure-mms.bat <clusterName>