Cache refreshes update cache data, either on deamand, or at scheduled intervals, with the most recent enterprise information.
Cache refreshes update data for mobile business objects (MBOs) that belong to the cache group
undergoing the refresh. The remote client database eventually retrieves the updated data from the server's local copy in the CDB, using one of the supported synchronization triggers.
Scheduled cache refreshes control the frequency with which objects update data and regulate network traffic by synchronizing data at strategic times, rather than pushing data changes through as they occur. Administrators can also perform on-demand cache refreshes for cache groups at a specified time.
When a refresh occurs, the Unwired Server calls the default read operation (for each MBO in the cache group), and all of the rows that are returned from the enterprise information system (EIS) are compared to existing rows in the CDB as follows:
If the CDB is empty, all rows are inserted.
- Unwired Server processes the row set and checks (using the primary key) whether the row already exists in the cache:
- If it does, and all columns are the same as the EIS, nothing happens. When a client requests (by synchronizing) all rows that have changed since the last synchronization, only rows that have changed are included, which is important for performance and efficiency.
- If the row does not exist, it is inserted and the next synchronization query retrieves the row.