Afaria is not licensed by SySAM. Instead, Afaria uses an internal mechanism to track and enforce licenses and features.
The Afaria server included with Unwired Platform uses the Afaria license string for session manager support. The license string is a fixed serial number that determines what options are included. If you require more options than what are currently included with Unwired Platform, upgrade Afaria by ordering additional Afaria options.
For example, if you are using over-the-air (OTA) deployments to support Unwired Platform, you may want to purchase the Outbound option. Otherwise, the Maximum Simultaneous Notifications data element defaults to 20, and you cannot increase the notifications you can use in your environment.
License details appear on the Afaria Administrator License page. The Licensing page contains information about your Afaria system, including a list of licensed components and Afaria client types, the number of licensed sessions, expiration dates (if any), and a brief description of the license type. The information on this page is read-only; you cannot modify any values.
You can also track software compliance as needed. The License compliance view allows you to examine software license compliance and usage data collected via Inventory Manager scans. See Afaria Reference | Platform > Data views > Tracking Software Compliance and Usage Data.