Relay Server Properties ( Configuration File

The relay server properties file (<UnwiredPlatform_InstallDir>\UnwiredPlatform\Servers\UnwiredServer\config\ holds the connection information for Unwired Platform components. This allows device clients to use this information and connect through a relay server from outside a firewall.

Edit the file to configure the relay server. With Unwired Server running, register the relay server by running <UnwiredPlatform_InstallDir>\UnwiredPlatform\Servers\UnwiredServer\bin\regRelayServer.bat.

You can configure these properties for the relay server:
Property Default Description
relayserver.type IIS The relay server type: IIS or UNIX. The client connection string differs, depending on the server type. The host name of the relay server load balancer.
relayserver.http_port 80 The HTTP port of the relay server load balancer.
relayserver.https_port 443 The HTTPS port of the relay server load balancer.
relayserver.farm_name None The name of the Unwired Platform relay server farm, if applicable.
relayserver.token None (Optional) The security token used by the relay server to authenticate the back-end server connection. Specify a unique string to a maximum of 2048 characters.
relayserver.msg.farm_name None The messaging farm name.
relayserver.msg.token None (Optional) The security token used by the messaging server to authenticate the back-end server connection. Specify a unique string to a maximum of 2048 characters.
relayserver.webserver.farm_name None The Web server farm name. If you are configuring a farm using this property and the relayserver.webserver.token property, this farm is used for a cluster's DOE-C and DCN requests.
relayserver.webserver.token None (Optional) The security token used by the Web server to authenticate the back-end server connection. Specify a unique string to a maximum of 2048 characters.
relayserver.protocol http Indicates how clients synchronize data and how the relay server outbound enabler (RSOE) connects to the relay server; either http or https.
relayserver.trusted_certs None Identifies the path to the trusted certificate file if the relay server uses a self-signed certificate or a certificate from an untrusted certificate authority (CA). If the server certificate is signed by a trusted CA, leave this property empty.
Note: If you set this property, it must contain a file path relative to the installation directory for Unwired Server.
relayserver.rsoe.log.level 0 Configures the logging level for the RSOE. Valid values are:
  • 0 – log errors only. Use this logging level for deployment.
  • 1 – session-level logging. Provides an overview of a synchronization session.
  • 2 – request-level logging. Provides a more detailed view of HTTP requests within a synchronization session.