Setting up relay server in a multinode environment requires a unique set of steps to ensure configuration details are propagated correctly.
(3 * no. of server runtime nodes) = the total number of [backend_server] entries
For example, if you have two nodes, you would require six [backend_farm] sections.
[backend_server] enable = yes farm = MyServerName.SUPFarm id = MyServerNameSUPServer1 # uncomment mac if you want relay server to do MAC # verification. # the value should have only the 1 MAC address RSOE # sends to relay server. # Look in the RSOE.log file to see what that address is # mac = 00-50-56-c0-00-08!!00-50-56-c0-00-01!! # 00-15-c5-3d-e2-01!!00-13-02-c5-8e-f1!!00-ff-b0-b5-e0-8a token = asd13123bmnsadfas
rshost -f rs.config -q -qc -u
By default, rshost is installed to UnwiredPlatform_InstallDir\Servers\SQLAnywhere11\Mobilink\relayserver\IIS\Bin32\IAS_relay_server\Server. For reference details on the rshost utility, see System Administration > System Reference > Command Line Utilities > Relay Server Utilities, Relay Server (rshost) Utility.
regRelayServer.bat install auto