Database Thread Count – the number of worker threads used for the CDB. The default value is 20 threads. However, if you are experiencing performance issues, especially in a clustered environment, you may need to increase this value.
For a SQL Anywhere CDB only, use this formula to estimate a new value:
Value = Number of nodes in cluster * (sync threadcount + 1) + Number of scheduled EIS fetches + 10
For example, if you have been using the default synchronization thread count of 20, but have added three Unwired Servers to your cluster, adjust the CDB thread count to 78 or (3 * (20 +1) + 5 + 10). If you set the value for this thread count to 78 or higher, the value is accepted. However, if you set the value lower than 78, the request is ignored, unless you remove some servers from the cluster or reduce the synchronization thread counts.