Platform Components

The Unwired Platform architecture consists of a server tier, a data tier, and client tier. In a production environment, the server and data tiers must be installed on 64-bit hosts.

Server-tier components integrate with back-end enterprise systems, data access and transaction services, device and application deployment, and system management functionality. The data-tier is used to store data retrieved from the backend data sources and other runtime related metadata. The client tier consists of device applications built on top of the Unwired Platform client runtime.

You can employ different secure application communication styles—replication and messaging—between the client and the server tiers. Unwired Platform uses a relay server as a component of the enterprise demilitarized zone (DMZ), to securely integrate mobile devices into your system landscape. You need not install any Unwired Platform components on the carrier network or outside your firewall; they can all be installed and controlled within your corporate networks.

For developers, Unwired Platform includes a complete application development environment. Unwired Platform offers a choice of multiple application models—native application development, Device Application Designer development, or simple codeless business process mobilization—by reusing your development and deployment investments in the Unwired Platform server tier. If you choose, you can install the Sybase Unwired Platform Windows Mobile .NET Component in your Microsoft® Visual Studio installation. See Application Development Environment.

Sybase Unwired Platform
SUP Overview (1.5)