Implement change control as part of your development process. Integrate your change control system with Sybase Unwired Platform. Ensure that all your development artifacts are routinely checked into your change control system, so you can revert back to a known version if necessary.
Eclipse includes a built-in client for the Concurrent Versions System (CVS). See the Eclipse FAQ to learn more: You can also integrate other source control systems, such as Subversion.
When implementing change control:
- Set up the repository for the shared development environment.
- Identify the artifacts to be maintained as source code, for example:
- Model files (the Unwired WorkSpace project file)
- Native application code, and generated and custom client code
- Unwired WorkSpace artifacts, which are the MBO projects, custom result checkers, enterprise information system (EIS), and model files
- Custom ResultSet filters and error checkers
- EIS connection profiles
- Projects
- Identify and communicate change control policies and procedures to the development team.