To access and integrate MBOs in a device application, developers generate object code for the target device platform, and then use their IDE of choice to build the native device application. The object code generation step is the bridge from the Unwired Server server-side development (MBOs) to client-side development (device applications).
The generated object code for each MBO follows a standard pattern of properties for attributes, operations, and abstractions. Object code generation is supported in the native language for each target platform. Unwired Server client libraries complement and are required for the generated object code, which together are used in the device application.
The generated code is built upon the Unwired client libraries integrated part of the server, which combine to support reliable transmission of data and transactions, security of data while in transit or on device, sending notifications when data changes occur in the back-end application, consistent interface on all platforms, all of which abstract developers from aforementioned mobility related complexities.
Code generation is supported for these platforms: BlackBerry (Java), iOS (Objective-C), Windows Mobile (C#), and Windows (C#).
See Supported Hardware and Software for the most current version information.