MSMQ Send Adapter

Descriptions for MSMQ Send Adapter properties, including Queue Path Name, Unicode Strings, CSV Field Separator, CSV escape characters, and CSV quote characters.

Property Name (screen) Property Name (Attach Adapter) Type Description
Queue Path Name QueuePathName String Name of the MSMQ queue. The queue is created if it does not already exist.
Unicode Strings Unicode Boolean If true, the message is Unicode encoded, otherwise it is UTF8.
CSV Field Separator CsvSeparatorChar String The character that separates fields in the output message. Defaults to a comma. You can only specify a single character.
CSV escape characters CsvEscapeChar String The character that escapes the meaning of special characters. Defaults to a backslash. You can only specify a single character.
CSV quote characters CsvQuoteChar String The character that delineates a field. Defaults to a double quote.