Dumping and loading an in-memory database requires the Backup Server to connect to Adaptive Server. The load command uses the same number of connections as there are stripes. The dump command uses same number of connections as there are stripes, plus an additional connection. Use number of backup connections to configure the maximum number of user connections the Backup Server can use.
See Chapter 5, “Setting Configuration Parameters,” in the System Administration Guide Volume 1.
Backup Server requires the following to connect to Adaptive Server:
The Backup Server interfaces file must have an entry for Adaptive Sever.
The user name and password used by Backup Server to connect to Adaptive Server is the same as the user executing the dump and load commands. If the connection is established using secure external authentication (such as Kerberos), Backup Server cannot retrieve the password token from Adaptive Server. Use sp_remotelogin to define a trusted remote login for SYB_BACKUP, or Backup Server receives an authentication failure.