The DML logging setting in a session is inherited from called system procedures and the behavior setting for any set dml_logging command executed in a procedure is inherited by subprocedures. After exiting from the procedure’s scope, regardless of whether set export_options is on, the dml_logging setting in the parent session or parent procedure is restored.
These examples show how these rules are applied to affect the logging mode of tables inside a procedure.
Example 1 In this example, the user executing the procedure is also its owner and the owner of all tables affected by this procedure:
create procedure p1 as begin delete t1 where... set dml_logging minimal update t2 where... end go set dml_logging default go exec p1 go
/* ** Exiting from the procedure restores the ** session's setting to what it was before ** calling the procedure, in this case, the ** logging mode will be back to DEFAULT ** (i.e. FULL). */ -- This will operate in logged mode now. delete t2 go
When execution starts in the procedure p1, logging mode is full.
delete t1
performed in fully logged mode, and then the procedure’s session-level
logging mode is changed to minimal.
update t2
performed in minimally logged mode.
Upon exit from p1, when control returns to the outer SQL batch, logging mode setting is back to full. The next delete t2 is performed in fully-logged mode.
Example 2 This example executes procedure p1 with the session-level logging mode set to minimal. delete t1 operates in minimally logged mode, and so does update t2. Once p1 is done, the next delete t2 also operates in minimally logged mode, as the logging mode has been restored to what it was before p1 was called.
set dml_logging minimal go exec p1 go -- This will operate in minimally logged mode. delete t2 go
As the logging mode for DML statements inside a procedure is affected by the session-level setting of the calling session or procedure, Sybase recommends that you explicitly select the desired logging mode at the start of the procedure body. You may optionally set it back to default when the procedure finishes.
create procedure p1 as begin set dml_logging minimal delete t1 where ... update t2 where ... -- Optionally, reset upon exit set dml_logging default end go
However, if the DML statements inside a procedure are executed mostly in a single-logging mode (for example, full) but must occasionally run in a different (minimally logged) mode, Sybase recommends that you control the logging DML statements with the session-level setting from the calling procedure or isql session instead of including the logging mode inside the body of the procedure.
Example 3 The DML logging setting affects only those tables owned by the session’s user. This affects procedures that must perform minimally logged DML on certain tables, but which are executed using the exec proc privilege by a user who does not own those tables.
In this example, Joe executes the procedure mary.delete_proc, which performs a delete on a table owned by Mary. Joe uses the set command to request minimal logging, but doing so affects the logging mode for tables owned by Mary in the procedure:
isql –Sservername –Umary –Pmaryspwd create procedure mary.delete_proc as begin delete mary.large_table where ... end go grant exec on mary.delete_proc to joe go isql –Sservername –Ujoe –Pjoespwd -- User 'joe' executes the following SQL: -- set dml_logging MINIMAL go exec mary.delete_proc go
Example 4 Adaptive Server does not permit the procedure owner, Mary, to allow minimal logging for certain statements when the procedure is executed by a user who does not own the table. The set dml_logging command inside a procedure applies only to those tables owned by the session’s owner.
In this example, minimal logging does not apply to delete mary.large_table
but it dos apply to the update joe.very_large_table
user Joe executes the procedure with default logging settings.
isql –Sservername –Umary –Pmaryspwd create procedure mary.delete_proc2 as begin set dml_logging MINIMAL delete mary.large_table where ... update joe.very_large_table where ... end go grant exec on mary.delete_proc2 to joe go isql –Sservername –Ujoe –Pjoespwd exec mary.delete_proc2 go
If a procedure performs DML statements on tables owned by multiple owners, then, depending on which user executes the procedure, the set of tables against which minimally logged DML is executed changes. Only the table owner or user with sa_role can execute the procedure that performs the minimally logged DML on specific tables.
Recompiling a running procedure, or the cached plan of a previously executed procedure, does not affect the logging mode chosen at runtime for individual DML commands that appear in the procedure body. Any set commands that might change the logging mode for a table are taken into consideration at the start of execution of the DML statement.