Obtaining diagnostic information

Many rules interact to determine the logging mode of a table. Application developers may need to know whether Adaptive Server is currently generating minimally logged DML commands for a particular table, and the type of schema, constraints, session settings, and so on.

object_attr reports the table’s current logging mode, depending on the session- table- and database-level settings. See the Reference Manual: Building Blocks.

Use set print_minlogged_mode_override to determine whether Adaptive Server has overwritten your logging-mode choices (see the Reference Manual: Commands). print_minlogged_mode_override generates trace information to the session output, reporting on the statement for which the minimally logged mode of a table has been overwritten by other rules, such as presence of referential integrity constraints, deferred mode choice, name of the table affected, a description of the affecting rules, and so on. Enable this switch server-wide to capture diagnostic output from the entire application. Redirect this output to the error log using the print_output_to_log switch.