Use disk init to divide an in-memory storage cache into smaller pieces called in-memory devices, which are used to create in-memory databases. Sybase suggests that you use the same naming convention for in-memory devices that you use for disk-resident devices. Bind user- or system-defined segments with in-memory device logical names to control the space usage for objects bound to these segments.
You cannot use regular named caches to create an in-memory
device. That is, you must use the type=inmemory parameter
for disk init to create in-memory devices.
The syntax to create an in-memory device is:
disk init name = device_name physname = {“physical_name” | “cache_name”} . . . [, type = “inmemory”]
where device_name is the logical name of the in-memory device, cache_name is the name of the in-memory storage cache created with sp_cacheconfig, and inmemory indicates the device is used for an in-memory database.
For example:
disk init name = imdb_cache_dev, physname = "imdb_cache" , size = "50M", type = "inmemory"