E-mailing a Contact

E-mail a contact from the Contact details screen.

  1. On the home screen, select Contacts.
  2. Select a contact.
  3. Select Menu > Email.
  4. If more than one e-mail address, select one, then select Email.
  5. Select the e-mail account to use.
  6. Enter the e-mail text, then select Send.
  7. (Optional) Log this e-mail or another e-mail as a CRM activity.
    1. For sent items, open the message in the Sent Items folder in the native e-mail application. For incoming e-mails, open the e-mail message.
    2. Select Menu > Log as CRM Activity.

    The application displays the New Activity screen, with the activity type as Outgoing E-mail or Incoming E-mail. The e-mail subject line is the description, and the e-mail body becomes the activity notes.