
Determine the cause of problems and apply the recommended solution.

Messages or Field Names Appear in Different Language

Issue: In some cases, SAP system messages and field names appear in the language defined for the SAP system. If the SAP system is set up for English, some warning messages and field names appear in English, for example, when creating or updating an account, contact, or activity, or viewing and editing Analytics report options.

Workaround: None.

Maximum Field Size for Account Values Not Enforced

Issue: When entering values for an account, such as phone numbers or an address, you can enter more characters in a field than the SAP system can accept.

Workaround: Mobile Sales displays an error for the account stating an invalid payload. Reduce the number of characters in the field and resave the account.

Subscription Not Found

Issue: When you try to create a new Mobile Sales object or update an existing one, Mobile Sales displays the message, Subscription Not Found.

Solution: Unsubscribe from the SAP system, then log in again.
  1. To unsubscribe, select Settings > General > Connection Information > Unsubscribe.
  2. Click OK to delete Mobile Sales data.
  3. Start Mobile Sales, then enter your SAP user name and password to log in.

Phone Number Extensions Not Synchronized With Personal Contacts

Issue: If your organization configured the application to synchronize Mobile Sales and personal (native) contacts, phone number extensions do not appear in personal contacts.

Workaround: None.

Reports Do Not Show Edit Button in Landscape Mode

Issue: When you select a report type, and view it in landscape mode, the Edit button disappears.

Workaround: To edit the report, return to portrait mode.

Activities From SAP System Show Empty Dates

Issue: When your company configured the SAP system, it indicated which date type can flow to the device. All other date types are blank on the device.

Workaround: None.

Country Code For Phone Number Does Not Flow to Device

Issue: Although the country code for a phone number appears in the SAP system, it does not flow to the device.

Workaround: None.

Mobile Sales Objects Reflect SAP Server Time Zone

Issue: Any objects created in the SAP system or on your device are saved using the time zone in which the SAP server resides.

Workaround: None.

No Report Data Appears (Analytics)

Issue: When you try to view a report, you see an empty graph and the report does not display.

Issue Workaround
The system may not have enough appropriate data to display the report Try again later when more data is available.
The user position is not set properly for Pipeline Analysis report Indicate the user position. Mobile Sales displays the report criteria screen.
You receive a warning that your device is offline when trying to view a report Make sure you device is online and you are connected to the SAP system.
No Sales Prospect in Top Opportunity report SAP system data does not contain a Sales Prospect. Be sure to define a Sales Prospect when creating an opportunity.

Device Data and SAP System Data Do Not Always Match

Issue: Data on your device and data in the SAP system (WebUI) do not always match. Your organization may decide to send a subset of the data to your device, and some objects might have different names in the two systems. Also, your organization might customize your Mobile Sales data on the SAP system.

Workaround: None.

Related reference
Data Status Indicators