Adaptive Server Enterprise 15.0 supports both scrollable and nonscrollable cursors.
“Scrollable” means that you can scroll through the cursor result set by fetching any, or many, rows, rather than one row at a time; you can also scan the result set repeatedly. You must use Transact-SQL or JDBC to declare a scrollable cursor, and you must have the query engine provided in Adaptive Server 15.0 or later. A scrollable cursor allows you to set the position of the cursor anywhere in the cursor result set for as long as the cursor is open, by specifying the option first, last, absolute, next, prior, or relative in a fetch statement.
To fetch the last row in a result set, enter:
fetch last [from] <cursor_name>
Or, to select a specific row in the result set, in this case the 500th row, enter:
fetch absolute 500 [from] <cursor_name>
“Insensitive” or “semi-sensitive” refers to the extent to which data changes from outside the cursor are visible to the cursor. A cursor can be semi-sensitive but not scrollable.
All scrollable cursors are read-only. All update cursors are nonscrollable.