Many system catalogs can now use a datarows locking scheme.
Server version 15.0 converts most system catalogs to a datarows locking
scheme. These system catalogs continue to use allpages locking scheme:
Materialized tables such as syslocks and sysprocesses.
These tables are generated during run-time and their locking schemes
are irrelavent for concurrency.
sysmessages and sysusermessages,
which are read-only tables
Auditing tables in sybsecurity,
which are write-once and read many times.
Adaptive Server’s internal upgrade process converts
the system table locking schemes during an installation, upgrade,
or load upgrade.
Because DDLs in Adaptive Server release 15.0 use the same
table-level locks as 12.5.x and earlier versions, there is no concurrency
improvement when you run DDLs.