System Tables

Adaptive Server 15.7 contains new and changed system tables.

Changed system tables
System table Column added Description
  • object_cinfo2
  • object_datetime
  • Provides a character description for the object
  • Provides the date and time for the object
  • sysattributes adds the SP object_type, which stores options related to RSA Key pair regeneration and LR object_type, which stores options related to login profiles
sysdatabases   Adds status bits to the status4 column to indicate database-wide compression settings
sysoptions number

Lists the switch ID as an integer

sysobjects lobcomp_lvl
  • Adds status bits to the status3 column to indicate database-wide compression settings
  • lobcomp_lvl – compression level of the columns defined for large objects.
syscolumns inrowlen
  • Adds status bits to the status2 column to indicate if a column is explicitly defined as compressed
  • inrowlen – a nullable column that stores the user-specified, or derived in-row length for LOB columns created as in-row
  • lobcomp_lvl – compression level of the columns defined for large objects.
Server user ID of the creator of login or login profile
syslogins lpid Login profile ID
  • lockdate
  • lockreason
  • locksuid
  • Date and time a role was locked
  • Reason a role was locked
  • ID of the user who locked the role
sysservers srvprincipal Specifies the remote server Kerberos principal name
  • syb_syscommkey_dddddd

Adaptive Server version 15.7 adds these system tables, which are views of the master database and provide information about the configuration of data caches and pools.

System table Description

Provides information about data caches.


Provides information about cache pools.


Provides a row for each data cache pool that includes configuration information for the data cache. This view is a join between the syscacheinfo and syspoolinfo views.

See the Reference Manual: Tables