Monitoring tables added for Adaptive Server version 15.5.
Adaptive Server Cluster Edition version 15.5 adds these monitoring tables:
- monTableTransfer – provides historical transfer information for tables in Adaptive Server active memory.
- monInmemoryStorage – used for in-memory databases. For internal purposes only.
The Cluster Edition version 15.0.1 and later include monitoring tables to collect table statistics. These are the monitoring tables included with version 15.5:
- monCIPC – provides summary figures for total messaging within the cluster, as viewed from the current instance or all instances.
- monCIPCEndpoints – provides a detailed summary, giving traffic data for each subsystem within the cluster instance.
- monCIPCLinks – monitors the state of the links between instances in the cluster.
- monCIPCMesh – gives summary figures for the mesh of connections, from the current instance to all other instances in the cluster, on a per-instance basis.
- monCLMObjectActivity – collects cluster lock information.
- monClusterCacheManager – stores diagnostic information about the cluster cache manager daemon running on each instance. monClusterCacheManager reports cluster-wide information on a per-instance basis.
- monCMSFailover – tracks the time at which the cluster membership service (CMS) detects the failure, gets a new cluster view, resynchronizes the heartbeat, posts the failure event, and completes the failure event. There is a row for each instance.
- monDBRecovery – contains rows from all instances in the cluster and contains rows for every database that contributes to recovery.
- monDBRecoveryLRTypes – tracks log records seen during recovery. Contains a row for each log record type for which at least one log record was seen by recovery.
- monFailoverRecovery – contains aggregated failover recovery diagnostic information for the cluster lock manager (CLM), database recovery, and CMS modules.
- monLogicalCluster – displays information about the logical clusters currently configured on the system.
- monLogicalClusterAction – shows all administrative actions against local clusters from start-up until these actions are released.
- monLogicalClusterInstance – displays information about the many-to-many relationship between instances and logical clusters.
- monLogicalClusterRoute – displays information about the configured routes (application, login, and alias bindings). You need not have the mon_role role to query this monitor table.
- monPCM – tracks the peer coordination module (PCM) client activities in the cluster (for example, the number of fragment that were sent and received), and contains a row for each PCM client.
- monProcessMigration – displays information about the connection currently migrating.
- monSysLoad – provides trended statistics on a per-engine basis. You need not have the mon_role role to query this monitor table.
- monTempdbActivity – provides statistics for all open local temporary databases, including global system tempdb when the instance is started in tempdb configuration mode.
- monWorkload – displays the workload score for each logical cluster on each instance according to its load profile.
- monWorkloadPreview – provides an estimate of how a load profile impacts the workload score without enabling the profile. monWorkload includes one row for each logical cluster and instance on which this logical cluster is running.
- monWorkloadProfile – displays currently configured workload profiles. You need not have the mon_role role to query this monitor table.
- monWorkloadRaw – provides the raw workload statistics for each instance. You need not have the mon_role to query this monitor table.