Generating a Windows Mobile Device Application

Use the Generate Device Application wizard to generate a Windows Mobile Device Application, launch the Windows Mobile emulator, and run the Windows Mobile device application on the emulator.

You must have Visual Studio installed.
  1. Click the Verify icon check_16 on the toolbar to verify the device application has no errors.
  2. Click the code generation icon generate_deviceclient_16 on the toolbar.
  3. In the Generate Device Application wizard, select Windows Mobile and click Next.
  4. Enter the information for the code generation options:
    Option Description
    Favorite Configurations Select a configuration.
    • Target device – select the device.
    • Library version – choose the Microsoft .NET version of the library used to compile the generated code.
    • Deploy to an ActiveSync connected device or emulator – select this option to deploy the generated code to a Windows Mobile device or emulator. ActiveSync enables the transferring and installation of the application on the mobile device.
      Note: On Windows Vista, ActiveSync has been replaced with Windows Mobile Device Center.
    Code Generation
    • Visual Studio solutions folder – accept the default or click Browse to enter the location for the Visual Studio Solutions folder.
    • Solution name – enter the name of the Visual Studio solution.
    • Client project name – enter the name of the project that contains the user interface.

    When you generate the device application, two projects are generated—the client project, which contains the user interface screens, and the mobile application project, which contains the mobile business objects that are used to access and update the data.

    • Client project namespace – enter the namespace to use for the generated UI classes.
    • Client project assembly name – the name of the generated .exe file for the project. This is the name that appears on the mobile device.
    • Mobile application project name – the name of the Mobile Application Project that contains the mobile business objects used in the device application.
    • Mobile application project namespace – accept the default or enter the name for the mobile application project.
    • Mobile application project assembly name – accept the default or enter the name for the .dll of the mobile application project.
    • Client project icon – click Browse to select an icon with which to associate the generated .exe file. This is the icon that appears on the mobile device.
    • Deployment timeout (minutes) – the maximum time to wait for deployment to the device.
    • Silent install – use this option only when you are deploying to the emulator (not the device itself). This enables deployment to proceed with no user input.
    • Generate metadata access classes – select to generate additional metadata classes that describe the attributes and parameters of the generated MBO classes.
    • Generate base classes in a DLL – select so the base classes are generated in a .dll file, which means you can view the source code, but you cannot edit it. If you do not select this option, base classes are generated as .cs files, along with the other generated .cs files, which can be edited.
    • Delete solution folder prior to generation – remove existing source folders before regenerating the Visual Studio solution.
  5. Click Finish.