Restrictions for Configuring Unwired Server Properties

Configure Unwired Server properties only from the Administration Console or by editing the file.

Problem: Do not modify Unwired Server settings by editing the configure-sup.xml file. Doing so can cause unforseen problems, such as losing configuration information after upgrading.

Solution: Perform configuration tasks directly from the Sybase Control Center (SCC) Administration Console whenever possible, or by editing the file, if the configuration property is not available from SCC.

For example, change the default synchronization protocol used by Unwired Server from HTTP to HTTPS by modifying the sup.sync.protocol entry in the file to sup.sync.protocol=https.

If you modify the file directly, you must run the command updateProps.bat -r for your changes to take effect.

The -r flag indicates the values from the file are applied to clusterdb (which is the actual location from which Unwired Server values are retrieved, not directly from If you do not run updateProps.bat -r, before restarting Unwired Server, old property values are retrieved from clusterdb and these values overwrite the changes you made to

Make a back-up copy of before making any changes to it.