Backup of the Installation File System

Make sure to create regular and complete backups of the Sybase Unwired Platform installation files and directories, which are modified as part of regular operation and with configuration changes.

Examples of these Sybase Unwired Platform installation files and directories include:

Additionally, batch scripts (for example, <SUP_HOME>\Servers\UnwiredServer\bin) may be automatically modified by the Sybase Unwired Platform installer, or manually modified later by a Sybase Unwired Platform administrative user. Make sure these files are also backed up.

Instead of backing up these individual artifacts, Sybase recommends that you perform regular backups of the entire Sybase Unwired Platform installation folder. Ideally, include the Sybase Unwired Platform installation directory in your disk backup schedule. At the same time the folder and disk backup is performed, update the Windows registry so it matches the state of the backup.

Plan the frequency of the file system backups to coincide with any changes made to the system, including metadata changes (such as deployment of new Mobile Business Object packages to the server), or configuration changes (such as new enterprise information system connection). To maintain a consistent backup state, Sybase recommends you back up the consolidated database at these times as well.