Modifying Data Using Data Change Notification

Data change notifications (DCNs) with payload update Unwired Server cache directly, through either an :upsert (update or insert) or a :delete operation.


DCN with payload requires a JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) string (dcn_request) that contains one or more :upsert and/or :delete operations that are applied to the Unwired Server cache (CDB).




Follow these guidelines when constructing a DCN:
  • The format of non string data is the same as parameter default values in Unwired WorkSpace. For example, specify timestamp values in a format similar to 2009-03-04T17:03:00+05:30.
  • Base binding names on MBO names rather than EIS names.
  • The :upsert operation requires:

    • All MBO Primary key attributes to properly upsert the data.
    • Any other MBO attributes used in the upsert.
    • All columns used in the operation must use attribute names (not column names to which it is mapped).
  • The :delete operation requires:

    • The MBO Primary key attribute to properly delete the data.
    • That all columns used in the operation must use attribute names (not the column names to which it is mapped).