This section describes installing the SYBASE_RSME_EAS.lic file that contains a valid SySAM license for EAServer component in RSME 15.2.
Install EAServer 6.2 component from RSME 15.2 release, if not already installed.
Stop EAServer if it is running.
Copy the included EAServer license file to these locations:
UNIX – $SYBASE/EAServer/licenses
Windows – %SYBASE%\EAServer\licenses
where $SYBASE or %SYBASE% is the installation directory where EAServer 6.2 Advanced Edition is installed.
Restart EAServer.
Verify the log file to confirm that EAServer has started in advanced mode. In your log file, you should see lines similar to these lines:
2009-04-30 18:04:22.133 INFO main [ApplicationServer:<servername>] Sybase Enterprise Application Server Advanced Edition
2009-04-30 18:04:22.133 INFO main [ApplicationServer:<servername>] Server license notice: Licensed for use with Sybase Replication Server Messaging Edition (RSME) under the terms specified in the RSME PSLT