New time series and forecasting functions

New time series and forecasting functions have been added to Sybase IQ. These functions are available only with RAP – The Trading Edition® Enterprise.

Like all time series SQL functions, the new functions call two libraries: the IMSL C Stat, and IMSL C Math, integrated third-party libraries. Provided by Visual Numerics, these libraries contain C functions for time series and forecasting, and form part of the Sybase IQ scalar and aggregate UDF infrastructure. Sybase IQ automatically loads the IMSL libraries as needed when you call a valid function for time series and forecasting analysis.

The new aggregate time series SQL functions are:

These scalar functions support the TS_AUTO_ARMA function:

These scalar functions support the TS_GARCH function:

See the Time Series Guide for detailed information on each of these functions.

For reference information on the IMSL C functions, see IMSL Numerical Library User’s Guide: Volume 2 of 2 C Stat Library.