
The describe_column_set v4 API method sets UDF column-level properties on the server.


Column-level properties describe various characteristics about columns in the result set or input tables in a TPF. For example, a UDF can tell the server that a column in its result set will have only ten distinct values.


a_sql_int32 (SQL_CALLBACK *describe_column_set)(
	a_v4_extfn_proc_context		*cntxt,
	a_sql_uint32		arg_num,
	a_sql_uint32		column_num,
	a_v4_extfn_describe_udf_type		describe_type,
	const void		*describe_buffer,
	size_t		describe_buffer_len );


Parameter Description
cntxt The procedure context object for this UDF.
arg_num The ordinal of the table parameter (0 is the result table, 1 for first input argument).
column_num The ordinal of the column starting at 1.
describe_type A selector indicating what property to set.
describe_buffer A structure that holds the describe information for the specified property to set on the server. The specific structure or data type is indicated by the describe_type parameter.
describe_buffer_length The length, in bytes, of the describe_buffer.


On success, returns the number of bytes written to the describe_buffer. If an error occurs, or no property is retrieved, this function returns one of the generic describe_column errors.

Related reference