OLAP-style unoptimized moving window without current

Assume the UDF my_sum works like the built-in SUM. If _drop_value_extfn function is not supplied, this moving window count is evaluated through the following calling pattern. This case is similar to the previous moving window examples, but the current row is not part of the window frame.


select b, my_sum(a) over (rows between 3 preceding and 1 preceding) 
from t

Calling pattern

_evaluate_extfn(cntxt, args)          returns NULL
_next_value_extfn(cntxt, args)      input a=1
_evaluate_extfn(cntxt, args)          returns 1
_next_value_extfn(cntxt, args)      input a=1
_next_value_extfn(cntxt, args)      input a=2
_evaluate_extfn(cntxt, args)          returns 3 
_next_value_extfn(cntxt, args)      input a=1
_next_value_extfn(cntxt, args)      input a=2
_next_value_extfn(cntxt, args)      input a=3
_evaluate_extfn(cntxt, args)          returns 6
_next_value_extfn(cntxt, args)      input a=2
_next_value_extfn(cntxt, args)      input a=3
_next_value_extfn(cntxt, args)      input a=4
_evaluate_extfn(cntxt, args)          returns 9
_next_value_extfn(cntxt, args)      input a=3
_next_value_extfn(cntxt, args)      input a=4
_next_value_extfn(cntxt, args)      input a=5
_evaluate_extfn(cntxt, args)          returns 12


 b           my_sum(a)
 ----------- ------------- 
           1          NULL 
           1             1 
           1             3 
           2             6 
           2             9 
           2            12 

Created November 2, 2009. Send feedback on this help topic to Sybase Technical Publications: pubs@sybase.com