UDAF example: my_interpolate definition

The "my_interpolate" example is an OLAP-style UDAF that attempts to fill in NULL values within a sequence by performing linear interpolation across any set of adjacent NULL values to the nearest non-NULL value in each direction.

my_interpolate definition

To operate at a sensible cost my_interpolate must run using a fixed-width row-based window, but the user can set the width of the window based on the maximum number of adjacent NULL values expected. If the input at a given row is not NULL, the result for that row is the same as the input value. This function takes a set of double precision floating point values and produces a resulting set of doubles.

#include "extfnapiv3.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <assert.h>

//  OLAP-style aggregate UDF that accepts a double precision
//  floating point argument.  If the current argument value is
//  not NULL, then the result value is the same as the
//  argument value.  On the other hand, if the current row's
//  argument value is NULL, then the result, where possible,
//  will be the arithmetic interpolation across the nearest
//  preceding and nearest following values that are not NULL.
//  In all cases the result is also a double precision value.
//  The start function creates a structure for maintaining the
//  argument values within the window including their NULLness.
//  The finish function then deallocates this structure.
//  Since there are some strict aggregate usage restrictions 
//  for this aggregate (must be used with a row-based window
//  frame that includes the current row), the corresponding
//  SQL declaration will look like:
//      CREATE AGGREGATE FUNCTION my_interpolate(IN arg1 DOUBLE) 
//                      RETURNS DOUBLE
//                      OVER REQUIRED
//                      WINDOW FRAME REQUIRED
//                              RANGE NOT ALLOWED
//                              PRECEDING REQUIRED
//                              UNBOUNDED PRECEDING NOT ALLOWED
//                              FOLLOWING REQUIRED
//                              UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING NOT ALLOWED
//                      EXTERNAL NAME  'my_interpolate@libudfex'

typedef struct my_window {
  int      _allocated_elem;
  int      _first_used;
  int      _next_insert_loc;
  int     *_is_null;
  double  *_dbl_val;
  int      _num_rows_in_frame;
} my_window;

#if defined __cplusplus
extern "C" {

static void my_interpolate_reset(a_v3_extfn_aggregate_context *cntxt)
  my_window *cptr = (my_window *)cntxt->_user_data;

  cptr->_first_used = 0;
  cptr->_next_insert_loc = 0;
  cptr->_num_rows_in_frame = 0;
  for (int i=0; i<cptr->_allocated_elem; i++) {
    cptr->_is_null[i] = 1;

static void my_interpolate_start(a_v3_extfn_aggregate_context *cntxt)
  my_window *cptr = (my_window *)cntxt->_user_data;

  // Make sure function was defined correctly
  if (!cntxt->_is_window_used)
      cntxt->set_error(cntxt, 20001, "Function requires window");
  if (cntxt->_window_has_unbounded_preceding ||
      cntxt->set_error(cntxt, 20002, "Window cannot be unbounded");
  if (cntxt->_window_is_range_based)
      cntxt->set_error(cntxt, 20003, "Window must be row based");

  if (!cptr) {
    cptr = (my_window *)malloc(sizeof(my_window));
    if (cptr) {
      cptr->_is_null = 0;
      cptr->_dbl_val = 0;
      cptr->_num_rows_in_frame = 0;
      cptr->_allocated_elem = ( int )cntxt->_max_rows_in_frame;
      cptr->_is_null = (int *)malloc(cptr->_allocated_elem 
                                     * sizeof(int));
      cptr->_dbl_val = (double *)malloc(cptr->_allocated_elem 
                                        * sizeof(double));
      cntxt->_user_data = cptr;
  if (!cptr || !cptr->_is_null || !cptr->_dbl_val) {
      // Terminate this query
      cntxt->set_error(cntxt, 20000, "Unable to allocate memory");

static void my_interpolate_finish(a_v3_extfn_aggregate_context *cntxt)
  if (cntxt->_user_data) {
    my_window *cptr = (my_window *)cntxt->_user_data;
    if (cptr->_is_null) {
      cptr->_is_null = 0;
    if (cptr->_dbl_val) {
      cptr->_dbl_val = 0;
    cntxt->_user_data = 0;

static void my_interpolate_next_value(a_v3_extfn_aggregate_context *cntxt, 
                                      void *arg_handle)
  an_extfn_value  arg;
  double arg1;
  my_window *cptr = (my_window *)cntxt->_user_data;

  //  Get the one argument, and stash its value
  //  within the rotating window arrays
  int curr_cell_num = cptr->_next_insert_loc % cptr->_allocated_elem;
  if (cntxt->get_value( arg_handle, 1, &arg ) && arg.data != NULL ) {
    arg1 = *((double *)arg.data);
    cptr->_dbl_val[curr_cell_num] = arg1;
    cptr->_is_null[curr_cell_num] = 0;
  } else {
    cptr->_is_null[curr_cell_num] = 1;

  //  Then increment the insertion location and number of rows in frame
  cptr->_next_insert_loc = ((cptr->_next_insert_loc + 1)
                            % cptr->_allocated_elem);

static void my_interpolate_drop_value(a_v3_extfn_aggregate_context *cntxt, 
                                      void * /*arg_handle*/)
  my_window *cptr = (my_window *)cntxt->_user_data;

  //  Drop one value from the window by incrementing past it and
  // decrement the number of rows in the frame
  cptr->_first_used = ((cptr->_first_used + 1) % cptr->_allocated_elem);

static void my_interpolate_evaluate(a_v3_extfn_aggregate_context *cntxt, 
                                    void *arg_handle)

  an_extfn_value  outval;
  my_window *cptr = (my_window *)cntxt->_user_data;
  double  result;
  int     result_is_null = 1;
  double  preceeding_value;
  int     preceeding_value_is_null = 1;
  double  preceeding_distance = 0;
  double  following_value;
  int     following_value_is_null = 1;
  double  following_distance = 0;
  int j;

  //  Determine which cell is the current cell
  int curr_cell_num = 
  int tmp_cell_num;
  int result_row_offset_from_start_of_frame = cptr->_first_used <= curr_cell_num ? 
          ( curr_cell_num - cptr->_first_used ) : 
          ( curr_cell_num + cptr->_allocated_elem - cptr->_first_used );

  //  Compute the result value
  if (cptr->_is_null[curr_cell_num] == 0) {
    //  If the current rows input value is not NULL, then there is
    //  no need to interpolate, just use that input value.
    result = cptr->_dbl_val[curr_cell_num];
    result_is_null = 0;
  } else {
    //  If the current rows input value is NULL, then we do
    //  need to interpolate to find the correct result value.
    //  First, find the nearest following non-NULL argument
    //  value after the current row.
    int rows_following = cptr->_num_rows_in_frame -
                result_row_offset_from_start_of_frame - 1;
    for (j=0; j<rows_following; j++) {
      tmp_cell_num = ((curr_cell_num + j + 1) % cptr->_allocated_elem);
      if (cptr->_is_null[tmp_cell_num] == 0) {
          following_value = cptr->_dbl_val[tmp_cell_num];
          following_value_is_null = 0;
          following_distance = j + 1;
    //  Second, find the nearest preceeding non-NULL
    //  argument value before the current row.
    int rows_before = result_row_offset_from_start_of_frame;
    for (j=0; j<rows_before; j++) {
      tmp_cell_num = ((curr_cell_num + cptr->_allocated_elem - j - 1) 
                      % cptr->_allocated_elem);
      if (cptr->_is_null[tmp_cell_num] == 0) {
          preceeding_value = cptr->_dbl_val[tmp_cell_num];
          preceeding_value_is_null = 0;
          preceeding_distance = j + 1;
    //  Finally, see what we can come up with for a result value
    if (preceeding_value_is_null && !following_value_is_null) {
      //  No choice but to mirror the nearest following non-NULL value
      //  Example:
      //    Inputs:  NULL    Result of my_interpolate:  40.0
      //             NULL                               40.0
      //             40.0                               40.0
      result = following_value;
      result_is_null = 0;
    } else if (!preceeding_value_is_null && following_value_is_null) {
      //  No choice but to mirror the nearest preceeding non-NULL value
      //  Example:
      //    Inputs:  10.0    Result of my_interpolate:  10.0
      //             NULL                               10.0
      result = preceeding_value;
      result_is_null = 0;
    } else if (!preceeding_value_is_null && !following_value_is_null) {
      //  Here we get to do real interpolation based on the
      //  nearest preceeding non-NULL value, the nearest following
      //  non-NULL value, and the relative distances to each.
      //  Examples:
      //    Inputs:  10.0    Result of my_interpolate:  10.0
      //             NULL                               20.0
      //             NULL                               30.0
      //             40.0                               40.0
      //    Inputs:  10.0    Result of my_interpolate:  10.0
      //             NULL                               25.0
      //             40.0                               40.0
      result = (  preceeding_value 
                  + (  (following_value - preceeding_value) 
                       * (  preceeding_distance
                            / (preceeding_distance + following_distance))));
      result_is_null = 0;

  //  And last, pass the result value out
  outval.type = DT_DOUBLE;
  outval.piece_len = sizeof(double);
  if (result_is_null) {
    outval.data = 0;
  } else {
    outval.data = &result;
  cntxt->set_value( arg_handle, &outval, 0 );

static a_v3_extfn_aggregate my_interpolate_descriptor = 
        &my_interpolate_next_value, //( timeseries_expression )
       NULL, // cume_eval,
       NULL, // next_subaggregate_extfn
       NULL, // drop_subaggregate_extfn
       NULL, // evaluate_superaggregate_extfn
       NULL, // reserved1_must_be_null
       NULL, // reserved2_must_be_null
       NULL, // reserved3_must_be_null
       NULL, // reserved4_must_be_null
       NULL, // reserved5_must_be_null
       0, // indicators
       0, // context size
       0, // context alignment 
       0.0, //external_bytes_per_group 
       ( double )sizeof( double ), // external bytes per row 
       0, // reserved6_must_be_null
       0, // reserved7_must_be_null
       0, // reserved8_must_be_null
       0, // reserved9_must_be_null
       0, // reserved10_must_be_null
       NULL // _for_server_internal_use

a_v3_extfn_aggregate *my_interpolate()
  { return &my_interpolate_descriptor; }

#if defined __cplusplus

Created November 2, 2009. Send feedback on this help topic to Sybase Technical Publications: pubs@sybase.com