Calculation context

The _user_calculation_context field allows the server to concurrently execute calculations on multiple groups of data.

A UDAF must keep intermediate counters for calculations as it is processing rows. The simple model for managing these counters is to allocate memory at the start API function, store a pointer to it in the aggregate context's _user_data field, then release the memory at the aggregate's finish API. An alternative method, based on the _user_calculation_context field, allows the server to concurrently execute calculations on multiple groups of data.

The _user_calculation_context field is a server-allocated memory pointer, created by the server for each concurrent processing group. The server ensures that that the _user_calculation_context always points to the correct calculation context for the group of rows currently being processed. Between UDF API calls, depending on the data, the server may allocate new _user_calculation_context values. The server may save and restore calculation context areas to disk while processing a query.

The UDF stores all intermediate calculation values in this field. This illustrates a typical usage:

struct my_average_context
		int	sum;
		int	count;

reset(a_v3_aggregate_context *context)
	mycontext  = (my_average_context *) context->_user_calculation_context;
	mycontext->count = 0;
	mycontext->sum = 0;

	next_value(a_v3_aggregate_context *context, void *args_handle)
	mycontext  = (my_average_context *) context->_user_calculation_context;

In this model, the _user_data field can still be used, but no values relating to intermediate result calculations can be stored there. The _user_calculation_context is NULL at both the start and finish entry points.

To use the _user_calculation_context, to enable concurrent processing, the UDF must specify the size and alignment requirements for its calculation context, and define a structure to hold its values and set a_v3_extfn_aggregate._calculation_context_size to the sizeof() of that structure.

The UDF must also specify the data alignment requirements of _user_calculation_context through _calculation_context_alignment. If user_calculation_context memory contains only a character byte array, no particular alignment is necessary, and you can specify an alignment of 1. Likewise, double floating point values might require an 8-byte alignment. Alignment requirements vary by platform and data type. Specifying a larger alignment than necessary always works; however, using the smallest alignment is more memory-efficient.

Created November 2, 2009. Send feedback on this help topic to Sybase Technical Publications: