Scalar UDF context structure

The scalar UDF context structure, a_v3_extfn_scalar_context that is passed to each of the functions specified within the scalar UDF descriptor structure, is defined as:

typedef struct a_v3_extfn_scalar_context {
//-------- Callbacks available via the context --------
  short (SQL_CALLBACK *get_value)(
    void           *arg_handle,
			 a_sql_uint32    arg_num,
			 an_extfn_value *value
 short (SQL_CALLBACK *get_piece)(
			 void *          arg_handle,
			 a_sql_uint32    arg_num,
			 an_extfn_value *value,
			 a_sql_uint32    offset
 short (SQL_CALLBACK *get_value_is_constant)(
			 void *          arg_handle,
			 a_sql_uint32    arg_num,
			 a_sql_uint32 *  value_is_constant
 short (SQL_CALLBACK *set_value)(
 			void *          arg_handle,
			 an_extfn_value *value,
			 short	    	  append
 a_sql_uint32 (SQL_CALLBACK *get_is_cancelled)(
			 a_v3_extfn_scalar_context * cntxt
 short (SQL_CALLBACK *set_error)(
			 a_v3_extfn_scalar_context * cntxt,
			 a_sql_uint32    error_number,
			 const char *    error_desc_string
 void (SQL_CALLBACK *log_message)(
			 const char *msg,
			 short msg_length
 short (SQL_CALLBACK *convert_value)(
				an_extfn_value   *input,
				an_extfn_value   *output
 //---------- Data available from the context ----------
 void * _user_data;   // read-write field
 //---------- For Server Internal Use Only -------------
 void  * _for_server_internal_use;
} a_v3_extfn_scalar_context;

The _user_data field within the scalar UDF context structure can be populated with data the UDF requires. Usually, it is filled in with a heap allocated structure by the _start_extfn function, and deallocated by the _finish_extfn function.

When you are allocating memory, make sure UDF libraries do not overload the C++ new operator. On some platforms, overloading the new operator has a global effect that may adversely affect the proper operation of the server.

The rest of the scalar UDF context structure is filled with the set of callback functions, supplied by the engine, for use within each of the user's UDF functions. Most of these callback functions return a success status through a short result value; a true return indicates success. Well-written UDF implementations should never cause a failure status, but during development (and possibly in all debug builds of a given UDF library), Sybase recommends that you check that the return status values from the callbacks. Failures can come from coding errors within the UDF implementation, such as asking for more arguments than the UDF is defined to take.

The common set of arguments used by most of the callbacks includes:

Created November 2, 2009. Send feedback on this help topic to Sybase Technical Publications: