UDF example: my_plus_counter declaration

The “my_plus_counter” example is a simple nondeterministic scalar UDF that takes a single integer argument, and returns the result of adding that argument value to an internal integer usage counter. If the input argument value is NULL, the result is the current value of the usage counter.

my_plus_counter declaration

Assuming that my_plus_counter also resides within the dynamically linkable library my_shared_lib, the declaration for this example is:

CREATE FUNCTION my_plus_counter (IN arg1 INT DEFAULT 0)
	 EXTERNAL NAME 'describe_my_plus_counter@my_shared_lib'

The RESPECT NULL VALUES characteristic means that this function is called even if the input argument value is NULL. This is necessary because the semantics of my_plus_counter includes:

  • Internally keeping a usage count that increments even if the argument is NULL.

  • A non-null value result when passed a NULL argument.

Because RESPECT NULL VALUES is the default, the resutls are the same if this clause is omitted from the declaration.

IQ restricts the usage of all nondeterministic functions. They are allowed only within the SELECT list of the top-level query block or in the SET clause of an UPDATE statement. They cannot be used within subqueries, or within a WHERE, ON, GROUP BY, or HAVING clause. This restriction applies to nondeterministic UDFs as well as to the nondeterministic built-in functions like GETUID and NUMBER.

The last detail in the above declaration is the DEFAULT qualifier on the input parameter. The qualifier tells the server that this function can be called with no arguments, and that when this happens the server automatically supplies a zero for the missing argument. If a DEFAULT value is specified, it must be implicitly convertible into the data type of that argument.

In the following example, the first SELECT list item adds the running counter to the value of t.x for each row. The second and third SELECT list items each return the same value for each row as the NUMBER function.

SELECT my_plus_counter(t.x),

Created November 2, 2009. Send feedback on this help topic to Sybase Technical Publications: pubs@sybase.com