UDF example: my_plus declaration

The “my_plus” example is a simple scalar function that returns the result of adding its two integer argument values.

my_plus declaration

When my_plus resides within the dynamically linkable library my_shared_lib, the declaration for this example looks like this:

CREATE FUNCTION my_plus (IN arg1 INT, IN arg2 INT)
	 EXTERNAL NAME 'describe_my_plus@my_shared_lib'

This declaration says that my_plus is a simple scalar UDF residing in my_shared_lib with a descriptor routine named describe_my_plus. Since the behavior of a UDF may require more than one actual C/C++ entry point for its implementation, this set of entry points is not directly part of the CREATE FUNCTION syntax. Instead, the CREATE FUNCTION statement EXTERNAL NAME clause identifies a descriptor function for this UDF. A descriptor function, when invoked, returns a descriptor structure that is defined in detail in the next section. That descriptor structure contains the required and optional function pointers that embody the implementation of this UDF.

This declaration says that my_plus accepts two INT arguments and returns an INT result value. If the function is invoked with an argument that is not an INT, and if the argument can be implicitly converted into an INT, the conversion happens before the function is called. If this function is invoked with an argument that cannot be implicitly converted into an INT, a conversion error is generated.

Further, the declaration states that this function is deterministic. A deterministic function always returns the identical result value when supplied the same input values. This means the result cannot depend on any external information beyond the supplied argument values, or on any side effects from previous invocations. By default, functions are assumed to be deterministic, so the results are the same if this characteristic is omitted from the CREATE statement.

The last piece of the above declaration is the IGNORE NULL VALUES characteristic. Nearly all built-in scalar functions return a NULL result value if any of the input arguments are NULL. The IGNORE NULL VALUES states that the my_plus function follows that convention, and therefore this UDF routine is not actually invoked when either of its input values are NULL. Since RESPECT NULL VALUES is the default for functions, this characteristic must be specified in the declaration for this UDF to get the performance benefits. All functions that may return a non-NULL result given a NULL input value must use the default RESPECT NULL VALUES characteristic.

In the following example query, my_plus appears in the SELECT list along with the equivalent arithmetic expression:

SELECT my_plus(t.x, t.y) AS x_plus_y_one, (t.x + t.y)AS x_plus_y_two
WHERE t.z = 2

In the following example, my_plus is used in several different places and different ways within the same query:

SELECT my_plus(t.x, t.y), count(*)
WHERE t.z = 2
AND my_plus(t.x, 5) > 10
AND my_plus(t.y, 5) > 10
GROUP BY my_plus(t.x, t.y)

Created November 2, 2009. Send feedback on this help topic to Sybase Technical Publications: pubs@sybase.com