Enabling and disabling user-defined functions

Sybase IQ 15.1 includes a security feature, external_procedure_v3, which enables or disables the ability of a server to make use of the high performance in-process UDFs.

Administrators can enable version 3 UDFs for any server by specifying
-sf -external_procedure_v3
in the server startup command or in the configuration file.
Administrators can disable version 3 UDFs for any server by specifying
-sf external_procedure_v3
in the server startup command or in the configuration file.

Additional information on the -sf flag is available in the SQL Anywhere Server - Database Administration guide. The values listed in the SQL Anywhere document are not applicable to Sybase IQ 15.1, and should not be used.

Related concepts
Sybase IQ overview
Related tasks
Setting the dynamic library interface

Created November 2, 2009. Send feedback on this help topic to Sybase Technical Publications: pubs@sybase.com