CCL objects must have a name, the name of the object is represented with an identifier.
CCL objects must be named, and some objects are made up of parts that you can or must name. The latter includes columns in a data stream.
Every Sybase CEP object has a name. In a CCL statement, the name of an object is represented with an identifier. The following list of rules applies to identifiers:
Identifiers have no maximum character length.
The prefix C8_ is reserved for internal Sybase CEP Engine names.
The Sybase CEP CCL language contains other words that have special meaning. In particular, do not use the names of Sybase CEP built-in functions for the names of objects.
You must use only ASCII characters in identifiers.
Identifiers must begin with an ASCII alphabetic character.
Identifiers can contain only ASCII alphanumeric characters and the underscore (_). Thus, characters in an identifier can contain letters, digits, and _.
Within a given scope, no two objects can have the same identifier.
Identifiers are not case sensitive.
Sybase interprets the following identifiers as being the same, so they cannot be used for different objects in the same scope:
Columns in the same data stream or named window cannot have the same identifier. However, columns in different data streams or named windows can have the same identifier.
Names include not only CCL Query identifiers, but also things like project names, module names, adapter names, stream names, column names, aliases, variables, and the names of windows.
Variables cannot be named with the same name as columns used by a query module.
Identifiers cannot consist of CCL reserved words. See Reserved Words for the list of reserved words.