Aggregate. Computes the standard deviation of a sample consisting of a numeric-expression, as a DOUBLE.
STDDEV_SAMP( numeric-expression )
numeric-expression | The expression whose sample-based standard deviation is calculated over a set of rows. The expression is commonly a column name. |
s = [ (1/( N - 1 )) * SUM( xi - mean( x ) )2 ]1/2This standard deviation does not include rows where numeric-expression is NULL. It returns NULL for a group containing either 0 or 1 rows.
SQL/2003 SQL foundation feature (T621) outside of core SQL.
-- create input stream schema CREATE SCHEMA InSchema ( id STRING, x FLOAT, y FLOAT ); -- create output stream schema CREATE SCHEMA OutSchema ( id STRING, x FLOAT, y FLOAT, stddev_samp_result FLOAT, ); -- create input stream CREATE INPUT STREAM StreamIn SCHEMA InSchema; -- create master window CREATE MASTER WINDOW ResultWindow SCHEMA OutSchema KEEP 5 ROWS ; -- create output stream CREATE OUTPUT STREAM StreamOut SCHEMA OutSchema; -- input stream read data from csv file by ReadFromCsvFileAdapterType adapter ATTACH INPUT ADAPTER ReadFromCSVFile TYPE ReadFromCsvFileAdapterType TO STREAM StreamIn PROPERTIES FILENAME = "$ProjectFolder\..\data\data.csv", TITLEROW = "false", TIMESTAMPCOLUMN = "false", RATE = "1", USECURRENTTIMESTAMP = "true" ; -- output stream write data to csv file by WriteToCsvFileAdapterType adapter ATTACH OUTPUT ADAPTER WriteToCSVFile TYPE WriteToCsvFileAdapterType TO STREAM StreamOut PROPERTIES FILENAME = "$ProjectFolder\..\data\result.csv" ; -- insert the calculated result to window INSERT INTO ResultWindow SELECT id,x,y, stddev_samp(x) FROM StreamIn KEEP 5 ROWS; INSERT INTO StreamOut SELECT * FROM ResultWindow;