Compiling a UDF and Putting It in the Correct Directory

This section provides the directory locations for the files on Windows and Unix-like operating systems.

You must code the UDF in C and create a .dll file for windows or a .so file for UNIX-like operating systems. You must also describe the function signature in terms of the XML file (.udf file) detailed above.

You must copy the .udf file to both the server and Sybase CEP Studio plugins directories, as well as the server bin directory.

On Microsoft Windows, these directories are typically

C:\Program Files\SybaseC8\Server\bin
C:\Program Files\SybaseC8\Server\plugins
C:\Program Files\SybaseC8\Studio\plugins

On UNIX-like operating systems, these directories are typically


Because the Sybase CEP Server and Sybase CEP Studio load these files at startup, if the Server or Sybase CEP Studio is running when the files are copied, the server or Sybase CEP Studio must be restarted to load these files.

You must thoroughly debug the UDFs in a context other than the Sybase CEP environment since the Sybase CEP software contains no debugging information.