
This adapter is an out-of-process adapter. The adapter may be run as a stand-alone program or as a Microsoft Windows service.

The WinEventLogAdapterService.exe file is in the server/sdk/net subdirectory. If you install Sybase CEP Engine to the default directory, this will be C:\Program Files\C8\Server\sdk\net.

When the adapter is started, it takes the following arguments:



The URI of the Sybase CEP stream where the events are to be sent.


One or more event logs that the adapter will monitor.


Note: Each input stream has a property (see the stream's Properties tab in Studio) that can specify whether to use the current server timestamp value instead of the row timestamp set by the adapter. If this stream property is set to true, it overrides any row timestamp set by the adapter.

To start the adapter as a stand-alone program, execute a command similar to the following:

WinEventAdapter ccl://localhost:6789/Stream/Workspace/
   WinEvtAdapter/InEvents Security Application

Although this may be displayed as more than one line, this should all be on one line.

This command starts the adapter, tells the adapter to publish to the specified stream URI, and tells the adapter to read events from two Microsoft Windows event logs: Security and Application.

As a stand-alone program, the adapter will run continuously until another process sends the adapter the KILL signal.

To run the adapter as a windows service, go into the Service Explorer by clicking Start -> Settings -> Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Services. Start the Windows Event Adapter Service using the same arguments as for the stand-alone application. You can also edit the file WinEventLogAdapterService.exe.config, located in the same directory as the adapter executable, to provide configuration parameters. You can specify four parameters:

Examine the sample file provided with the adapter for formatting specifics.