Status Information about CCL Stream Pairs

CclStreamPairInfo status messages contain information about Sybase CEP streams.

ObjectID: The ObjectID is the full path to the first stream in the pair and is provided in the form:

ccl://<hostname>:<portNumber>/Stream/<WorkspaceName>/ <ApplicationName> /<StreamName>

Where ApplicationName is the project's (in other words, the top module's) load name.

ObjectID2: The ObjectID2 is the full path to the second stream in the pair and is provided in the form:

ccl://<hostname>:<portNumber>/Stream/<WorkspaceName>/ <ApplicationName> /<StreamName>

Where ApplicationName is the project's (in other words, the top module's) load name.

Name of MessageGroup:CclStreamPairInfo


Value Type

Message Availability and Frequency




The message is updated approximately every 1 second.

The value is the average latency between ObjectID1(stream1) and ObjectID2 (stream2).